

The custard also contains panela, cinnamon, and corn starch and gets its name from the cream that serves as its base. It is recognized as being as paisa as an arepa, despite the fact that it is only traditionally eaten during the Christmas season in Colombia. In accordance with mythology, natilla was first produced in convents in Europe before being carried by conquistadors throughout the world. Additionally, chocolate, coconut, caramel, lemon, raisins, or prunes could be found in the Colombian version. It is typically served with buuelos. The delectable dessert is traditionally exclusively enjoyed by Colombian families during the holiday season, but anyone with a sweet tooth and year-round holiday zeal is welcome to swing by Calle Colombia in the center of Medellin to experience some any day of the year. .

Stay up till 12

In Colombia, it is typical to stay up late with the family to ring in the New Year by completing a number of customary rituals, known as agüeros, that are intended to draw prosperity, good fortune, and other favorable qualities. The word "agüero" has greater meaning in regard to New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. It refers to the actions you do to guarantee that you and those around you enjoy good fortune in the following year. Even while the usefulness of these omens is still in question, it is indisputable that they are a part of a tradition that was created by the French, transported to the continent of South America through the Spanish, and altered by Colombia's people.

Putting lentils on New Years

The New Year's custom in Colombia involves deciding what to put in the pockets of your pants. On New Year's Eve, some Colombians will put raw lentils in their pockets. This is intended to bring them wealth and success in the coming year. Generally speaking, traveling is much more enjoyable if you have some money set aside for the trip. There are numerous customs centered on prosperous financial fortune in the coming year. Who doesn't like having a little extra money, after all? There are many Colombians in this area. Carrying lentils in your pocket on the final day of the year is another interesting Colombian New Year's custom. This is meant to ensure that you will have plenty of money in the upcoming year. .

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