
Bandeja Paisa

Bandeja Paisa. One of Colombia's greatest traditional dishes.This dish's defining feature is the generous serving size and variety of ingredients found in a traditional bandeja paisa, which includes white rice, red beans cooked with pork, carne molida (also known as ground beef), chicharrón, fried eggs, plantains (or as latinos say it plátano maduro), chorizo, arepas, hogao sauce, black pudding which Colombians call "morcilla", avocado, and lemon.

Caldo de Costilla

A traditional Colombian soup is called caldo de costilla. This soup, known as Guayabo in Colombia, is typically served for breakfast and is the finest remedy for a hangover. The most common meat used to prepare this soup is beef rib. Fresh cilantro and potatoes are the other two components in the recipe that people believe are necessary for a quality rib broth..

Ajiaco Soup

The soup ajiaco is popular in Colombia, Cuba, and Peru. The dish's ancestry is a topic of academic discussion. The meal, known as Ajiaco santafereo, is particularly well-liked in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. Ajiaco is a popular, filling chicken and potato soup from Colombia that also includes maize, potatoes, and a special herb that gives the soup its distinctive flavor. .

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